Reading while camping

My name is Betsy and I love all things bookish. I read across many genres, my favorites are fantasy, historical fiction, dystopian, and general contemporary. I feel that reading is a journey with so many avenues to explore. Reading is also a solitary practice that is quiet and centering. I often want to share my thoughts on what I just read or some cool bookish item I have found so I created The Book Curio blog.

My Random Reads section is an adventure in discovering unknown books and finding that hidden gem in the stacks of my library.

I love participating in reading challenges and to be fair I have never fully completed one but I will keep trying! There are so many great challenges and read-a-thons out there. My Reading Challenges section is a Choose Your Own Adventure compilation where I tell you which ones I am doing this year and also list out others so you can pick your own.

Bookish Thoughts is where I ponder on the page about book news, my opinions on trends, and general book-related musings.

Bookish Finds explores cool book-related items I have found or local bookstores I visit. There is nothing more enjoyable to me than wandering the stacks of a bookstore and adding to my ever-growing TBR pile! My goal is to someday visit every bookstore in Massachusetts.

No book blog would be complete without a Reviews category. I love bestsellers as much as the next person. Here you will find all my thoughts on my latest reads.

As you browse through the shelves of my blog, I hope you find something you can take with you to enjoy.

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